Pantheist beliefs
by Paul Harrison.     

Scientific Pantheism is above all all an emotional response
of reverence and belonging to Nature and the wider Universe
in all their power, beauty and mystery, as revealed to us
by our senses and by science.

Get the Book Scientific Pantheism is above all a profoundly emotional response to Nature and the wider Universe. It accepts that these are the only reality that we can truly know, the only reality that truly matters, the only reality we have to relate to. They are the place we arose, the place we belong, the context of our daily lives. We are at home here. Science and our senses tell us about what the world is really like, Scientific Pantheism expresses how we feel about that reality.
Elements of Pantheism: Get the Book

That emotional response has two primary elements. One is a sense of awe, wonder, reverence and acceptance of the natural universe, based on its power and beauty and mystery. This sense is the basis for some pantheists' use of words such as "god" "divine," though these words are never used in their traditional Western theistic sense of a creator being. However, most scientific pantheists prefer to avoid theistic words because of they evoke in most people the idea of a personal judging creator god.

The other is a sense of belonging, of community with the starry skies, with all living beings nd with our own bodies. This sense is the basis for statements about the unity of all things, and about the unity of the individual with the whole. It is the basis on which pantheists can talk about and experience union with the whole, similar to the experiences of mystics in all spiritual traditions.

Scientific pantheists comfortably and enthusiasically accept and celebrate our fundamentally physical being. We believe that our minds are expressions of our bodies, and that everything that exists is part of nature.


The World Pantheist Movement belief statement: what scientific pantheists believe
Why I am a pantheist: statement from WPM members
Basic principles of Natural Pantheism
Pantheism FAQs: panentheism, paganism, atheism, free will etc
Definitions of pantheism from leading dictionaries and encyclopedias

Pantheist affirmation of life, body and universe.
Science and Natural Pantheism

Debates: discussions from the mail group.
Why organize?
How you can help to spread Natural Pantheism.


The self-existent cosmos: cause and purpose
The self-organizing cosmos: design and order
Matter and Mystery: materialism versus idealism
Unity and diversity: the Many and the One
Gaia: Unity of life on Earth


Related movements

Atheism and pantheism: the religious atheists
Pantheism and paganism: a symbiosis


The Afterlife: promises and problems
The perils of faith: abandoning reason
Ethics and God: the shakiest foundation
The Bible and the Environment: from dominion to destruction


The fire codes: poetic expression of natural pantheism


Pantheist Beliefs
    The major ideas and debates
Pantheist Practice
     Living and celebrating
History of Pantheism
   From Lao Tzu to Einstein